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First Three Test Figures Completed. . .

Here is one photograph of the three figures in question.  From left to right: A wash of Winsor & Newton Griffin Alkyd Oil Cadmium red; A wash of Cottman Watercolor Cadmium red; A wash of Speedball Acrylic Scarlet Red.  In each case, I applied an undercoat of Humbral orange enamel before applying the red wash on top.

  By popular request, here is a close-up of the three test figures.  I now see a few areas in need of touching up, but they are basically done.

After some time spent adding more details to the last nine Minden hussars' horses, yesterday evening, I got to work on those first three RSM95 test figures.  I'm fairly well pleased with how things have goone so far, but I am leaning toward the sample at far left, whose red coat was the result of  a wash of Winsor-Newton Griffin Alkyd Oil (Cadmium Red) over an undercoat of Orange Humbrol.  The orange shows through the red just enough give the coat an orange-ish scarlet hue.

The middle figure, painted with Cotman watercolor, and the figure at right, painted with Speedball ink, look nice, but the colors are so intense that the Humbrol orange undercoat does not show through at all although I used thinned washes here too.  So, before I do anything else, I want to try two more test figures, one with a wash of red alkyd oil and another with the red watercolor (both over white undercoats) before I make my final decision.  However, at present, I am leaning toward the figure at the far left right (oops!). . .  the far left.

Incidentally, the uniforms worn by the infantry of the Free and Hanseatic cities of Luebeck (the model for the figures above), Bremen, and Hamburg during the 18th Century have the dual advantages of being both very colorful and easy to paint in short order.  It's a shame we don't see more of them on wargaming tables.

Later. . .
It occurs to me that I might use the Speedball red ink as a shadow color (between torsos and arms) on top of the Winsor & Newton Alkyd Cadmium red.  This is a bit more subtle than black lining, but I'll continue to use black lining against the white areas.  Oh, and the shadow color on the figures' faces is from an old battle of Ral Partha "Leather."


MiniWargamer said…
I had to chuckle at the last few words in the middle paragraph. The "left right".... ;-) Too many years of grading papers.

Thanks for posting your techniques. I am looking forward to the ... "next last" decision.
Jiminho said…
Very interesting, Prinz Ulric

A quick question or two - Does the watercolour treatment appear to be durable? Does it wipe away easily when dry? I'm presuming that it isn't permanent but that you will make it so with a few coats of Pledge or the like. Red is a tricky colour, I have had good results only when using really good paint. All three of your trail models look very good by my eye, I am looking forward to the next steps.
Stokes - can we have some close ups please please please... :o)
Dear Stokes,
The figures look great - all of them. The main question is which of the three pleases you, the artist, the most? Close ups would help, of course, but the subtleties of color might be defeated by the lighting.
The water colors might be too fragile as they are not designed to be applied to a non-porous surface like lead. Bring on the clear Pledge!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Dear Stokes,
The figures look terrific! The most important thing is to determine which red hue satisfies and pleases you the most. Closeups will help but artificial lighting does affect our perception of the subtleties of color. Jiminho is correct in cautioning about the delicacy of water color - bring out the Pledge!
Happy Thanksgiving!!

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