After a pleasant 90 minutes or so spent working with those glorious hussars yesterday evening, it was time to apply those two coats of white to my three test figures. In the picture above, you'll notice the different mediums I'll be testing as well as a tin of Humbrol orange enamel, which I've been advised by a couple of you will help to yield a deeper, richer red once the washes have been applied. This evening (Sunday), we'll get started in earnest.
Later. . .
Finally, after years of asking, "Whatever happened to him?" I've stumbled on a recently started blog by THE Doug Mason. Please click on the highlighted link to be transported to his blog, which, I assure you, features considerable and impressive painting and conversion work like that we remember lo those many years ago. Many of you, of a certain age, will recall the numerous photos of Mr. Mason's 25mm figures that once graced the pages of hoby magazines like Miniature Wargames and Wargames Illustrated. They might still, though it has been quite a few years since I have tracked down, much less read, either of those two publications. I have also added another link -- One Man and His Brushes -- in the Interesting Links section at lower right that features similar inspiring brushwork.