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Would you let this man teach your college-aged children?

Besides those new, black tasseled loafers I mentioned in an August posting, my wardrobe also includes these nifty, red Converse sneakers. Blame it on the Easter Bunny!

Nope. Nothing to do with painting soldiers or gaming. But when I got up this morning, a tiny inner vocie said to me, "Stokes, you've gotta wear those new Converse Chuck Taylor high-top sneakers to school!" And so. . . Actually, the Grand Duchess wagered a cup of latte or cappucino, at one of our local cafes, that I would not teach wearing these. Baaaaaaad decision. . . especially since caffeine is involved! At any rate, my Film Noir students this fine Friday morning were treated to another bout of male fashion wackiness from yours truly. Enjoy the weekend everyone!


Conrad Kinch said…
Sneakers with suit?

Definately a danger to children...

...and possibly livestock.
Hey, Life is to short to have fun. Let your inner child free and you will be happier. You are only as old as you feel. Besides, what are the students going to do, laugh at teach before he gives a test.
Martin said…
Hey Stokes,

You Beau Brummel you! The sneakers make quite statement. Right out there on the "cutting edge" so to speak. So when will show us the tricorne on the catwalk?
Oh yes. . . the livestock too!
Fitz-Badger said…
Yes, life is too short. Have fun! I bet the "kids" enjoyed it. I know I always preferred teachers and professors who had their wackier sides.
Capt Bill said…
What a stud! Who would have guessed? Fear not tread on...
tidders2 said…
Nice sneakers, I had a pair like those about 25 years ago - they say fashion comes around in cycles.

Beau Brummell would not be impressed !

-- Allan
guy said…
Courage mon ami. The amount of abuse I receive when I rock up to the office in my pin stripe double breasted 'gangster' suit, wellies and colourful welly warmer socks when the snow comes is probably on par with that photo. I claim I am at the cutting edge of fashion. The response here from my work collegues is probably unprintable.

Giles said…
To me it conveys eccentricity, which I think is good in a teacher. Of course you really needed to wear a red basball cap too...

Best wishes

Eccetricity? Definitely. A characteristic my wife, The Grand Duchess, noted some time ago. The red baseball cap? Um. . . NO! Too many of those on too many heads these days. When, oh, when will male casual fashion move on? I would, however, not be opposed to a jaunty fedora, ala Humphrey Bogart in all those old films of the 1940s.

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