Besides those new, black tasseled loafers I mentioned in an August posting, my wardrobe also includes these nifty, red Converse sneakers. Blame it on the Easter Bunny!
Nope. Nothing to do with painting soldiers or gaming. But when I got up this morning, a tiny inner vocie said to me, "Stokes, you've gotta wear those new Converse Chuck Taylor high-top sneakers to school!" And so. . . Actually, the Grand Duchess wagered a cup of latte or cappucino, at one of our local cafes, that I would not teach wearing these. Baaaaaaad decision. . . especially since caffeine is involved! At any rate, my Film Noir students this fine Friday morning were treated to another bout of male fashion wackiness from yours truly. Enjoy the weekend everyone!
Definately a danger to children...
...and possibly livestock.
You Beau Brummel you! The sneakers make quite statement. Right out there on the "cutting edge" so to speak. So when will show us the tricorne on the catwalk?
Beau Brummell would not be impressed !
-- Allan
Best wishes