An hour and a quarter later, Colonel von Adalnowski returned from his walk, collected the good Major, and the two returned to the drawing room where the former exploded on observing the new situation at the wargaming table. . .
At the western end of Teordorstal Valley, the center company of Major von Topfsange's Leib Grenadiers occupied two of the three houses, making up the village of Instetten. The 1st company (above) moved off to strengthen von Topfsange's extreme right flank. "Well, I'll be damned!" howled the Colonel. "Von Topfsange, have you been at these figures in my absence?" The Major coughed nervously in reply.
Colonel von Adalnowski next observed an aide informing a taciturn General de Latte of the deteriorating situation at Instetten (above) and turned angrily toward Major von Topfsange, unleashing a torrent of choice words upon the younger officer. "And I thought I told you not to touch this table until I returned! But now everything's different from how I left it. This is not good, von Topfsange, not good at all!"
In the center of the valley, Major von Topfsange's second line moved into place with the lone Stollenian gun at the center of the line. "Von Topfsange!" Roared the Colonel, "Let's stop all this shilly-shallying. Have you been in this room while I was gone, or not?" The Major shifted his weight, paused, fumbled with his sabretache, and spoke up. "Actually, my dear Colonel, if you must know, I was in the kitchen the entire time. . . " He stammered. "Yes? What is it? Out with it, man!" demanded the Colonel." "I was. . . I was. . . I was discussing the weather with. . . with Valerie l'Vivandiere!" blurted Major von Topfsange triumphantly.
"What? What the devil do you mean, discussing the weather?" bellowed Colonel von Adalnowski. "And with my vivandiere? May I remind you, that you are a guest in this house!" He stopped and glanced at the center of the table and noted that the remainder of von Topfsange's 2nd (von Laurenz) Musketeers had reinforced Effibriest in the middle of Teordorstal Valley. "It's going to take a hive of bees to get them out of there now," he grumbled.
Meanwhile, at the eastern end of valley, Colonel von Adalnowski saw that von Topfsange's 3rd Kuirassiere had charged into contact with the battery of guns on his right flank. "Blast! I thought I had more time before that would happen!" He turned his attention back to the Major. "And you maintain you were in the kitchen discussing the weather the entire time I was gone, eh von Topfsange?"
"Why, yes," answered the Major earnestly, "The kitchen staff can verify it. I left the drawing room very shortly after your departure. Valerie is the most delightful creature by the way. And she has the most charming laughter," he added, making moon eyes at the ceiling. "Never mind her laughter you love-struck scoundrel!" bellowed Colonel von Adalnowski, who adjusted his monocle and glared at the miniatures arrayed across the table. "Let's just get on with the game! I'll be. . . your first squadron of cuirassiers is supported by the second a short distance away, and here comes your engineer battalion."
"Strange," reflected von Adalnowski, calming down somewhat, "If you were indeed treacherous enough to move your figures in my absence, then how do you explain the fact that my independent company of the Wolmar-Bock Regiment has also moved off the ridge and closer to my threatened battery of guns? It's all decidedly odd, von Topfsange, decidedly odd! Now, let's see about working out our exchanges of musketry and artillery fire, and then we have a cavalry melee to settle."

Hope no- one nudges the table....
Those Fighting 15s figures look good on the table.
Note to self - Get my ttable painted green.
Time to reflect or march on?
Great photo's and Bettle report.
btw big andy you always have time for a new period