Let's return to the drawing room at the end of Move Three to see how the game between Colonel von Adalnowski and his younger guest, Major von Topfsange, is shaping up after three moves. . .
Move Three saw the previousuly sporadic combats grow into a full-fledged battle all along Teodorstal Valley. In the center, on the road between Instetten (at left) and Effibriest (right), there was considerable artillery, musket, and skirmish fire between the Stollenian and Zichenauer forces. While the latter did relatively little damage, the exchange of artillery salvos and volleys of musketry caused considerable damage, in particular to the first two companies of Colonel von Adalnowski's Von Flickenhoffer Fusiliers. The Colonel blamed that particular misfortune squarely on the accumulating smoke from Major von Topfsange's pipe. "Blast, I can't see to roll my dice properly!" he fumed.
And at the eastern end of the valley, around Crampas Farm, von Topfsange's 3rd Kuirassiere and Jaeger zu Fuss practically wiped out the first company and staff of von Adalnowski's Irish Grenzers. The commander of the grenzers, Colonel O'Malley himself, was wounded and taken prisoner along with a drummer boy and two privates. "Ha, ha!" gloated Major von Topfsange, "I'm now firmly in control of the farm, and I also have men within every building in Effibriest at the valley's center!" Now, it was Colonel von Adalnowski's turn to glower from across the table.
While at the western end of the valley, von Adalnowski's Grenadiere zu Pferd (dark blue) and von Topfsange's 4th Dragoons (red) withdrew from their previous combat in complete disarray. In each case, the forward most squadrons, which had been involved in the melee directly, turned and ran smack into friendly troops approaching from behind. "Damnation!" swore von Adalnowski, "This will take some time to sort out." On the far side of the table, Major von Topfsange took the opportunity to swagger back forth for a moment before the Colonel said with malicious glee, "Stop that pacing von Topfsange! I can't think. Why don't you take a seat? Oh yes, I forgot. It still hurts when you sit down, doesn't it? Well, you can lean against that wall behind you. There's a good man!"
