Just thought I'd touch base quickly and let you Stollen regulars know that I'm still alive and kicking. The Grand Duchy of Stollen blog has indeed seemed like a ghost town in the American Old West lately, full of dust and tumbleweeds (a nod to Phil Olley here) Haven't managed to get off my you-know-what and do any painting in some weeks. The painting funk has hit hard, and while I'm reading many blogs and websites with interest, it's just been difficult to sit myself down and pick up that darn brush and begin painting again.
I have been doing a bit of unrelated writing and translation, but that hasn't eaten up too much time. Neither has caring for Young Master Paul. Typically, the Grand Duchess has him after supper until bed time, so I've certainly had evenings free for hobby-related stuff. I've even got a small list of things to finish on those first 30 or so Huzzah figures languishing over on the painting table, but, sigh, the urge just eludes me right now. As someone mentioned on his blog a month or so ago, and I'm paraphrasing badly here, if your hobby begins to seem like a chore, it's time for some time away from it.
So, I've been enjoying mystery thrillers by John Sandford and Jonathan Kellerman, practices once a week with my amateur rock band, plus this and that as well as some family time. The problem is that the longer I delay sitting down, the harder it is to do it. Painter's block or something like that! Well, maybe with the approach of Spring, I'll feel like returning to the painting table. It will surely give me an impetus and an excuse to avoid too much work outdoors, which the Grand Duchess is already planning with a vengeance! ;-)
One thing that I like to do when I hit a "painting funk" is to at least prep some figures so that they will be ready to go when the funk passes.
You might try cleaning and priming the next group of figures that you are going to tackle . . . and make it a different sort of unit . . . cavalry instead of infantry; artillery instead of cavalry; terrain or transport instead of anything, etc.
I also find that just putting one color onto a figure (I usually start with flesh) makes a huge difference and that it draws me on to further painting.
At any rate, you don't need to paint in order to blog . . . keep in touch with miscellaneous news even if you're not painting, sir. Please.
-- Jeff
I think we all (or most all) go through periods where we don't feel much like painting (for me it's usually during the heat of summer - with the dry 100 degree summer days acrylic paint dries FAST!). Jeff's ideas are good ones, things I do sometimes. But, you're right also, it shouldn't be a chore. There are other things you can do that are hobby-related, such as building some terrain, reading, playing a game, etc. Nothing wrong with indulging in other hobbies as a change of pace either.
So take a look at the obvious. You do not want to finish that huzzah unit at present. Pack it away carefully and put it in storage. Clear the table of all unfinished work and clean and tidy your tools.
Neat clean and no feeling of guilt when you aren't painting.
Now just do what you do want. Something completely different or get out your army for a review and take some pictures of what you have done.
Probably the most invigorating thing is a game or two. Ultimately there is not much point to the toys if we do not play with them.
Don't worry you will want to get going again when the time is right and you will paint much faster because of the break.
Which reminds me I haven't touched my blog for two months, perhaps I should take some advice instead of ging it!
I agree with all the comments so far. It's a hobby and supposed to be fun and not a chore. So rest, relax, and recharge your inner batteries.
I have found that putting my troopies on display on shelves where I can see them keeps the embers of wargaming enthusiasium glowing until the urge bursts forth into flame again.
I, and just about every wargamer I imagine, know what this feels like. We all deal with it in our own ways but we all get through it eventually.
First - don't worry about it. This only makes it worse.
Secondly look for inspiration in other peoples work.
Thirdly do whatever makes you happy.
Perhaps you should indulge yourself with a unit or two in that other period??