Well, sometime during the night, the blog counter quietly passed the 100,000 mark. Obviously, Irwin Amadeus II will ask his intrepid, and long-suffering English manservant Hives to serve extra toast (burnt to a crisp of course) and bacon this morning in celebration! Tomfoolery aside, thank you to one and all for occasionally dropping by to peruse the ramblings that have appeared here since August 2006. Today's milestone might be just what I need to kick yours truly into gear and sit down later today, to begin once again with those Huzzah figures, who stand looking at me imploringly from the painting table. And by the way, thank you too for the comments everyone left following yesterday's post. All very sound advice. And now, I'm going to reread John Preece's latest post on all of those 20mm Crimean figures given to him by one Stuart Asquith. And then, it's off to breakfast with the Grand Duchess and Young Master Paul if he is awake!
best wishes
-- Jeff
If only I could reach 10,000 I'd be happy.
Hope the painting funk wears off soon.
If I get stuck I try to find something my imagination gets into - usually a couple of civilians or a palace room - 'a change is as good as a rest'
-- Allan