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Presenting The Blasthof Blog!!!

For your classic wargaming edification, please take gander at the brand new Blasthof Blog, a site contributed to jointly by Stuart Asquith, John Preece, Steve Gill, and Phil Olley. Their venture is intended to promote, among other things, the particular aesthetics and types of figures exhibited within the delightful Charge! Or How to Play Wargames (1967) by the late Brigadier Peter Young and Colonel James Lawford.

Another stated goal of the Blasthof Society is to examine, discuss, and celebrate all ideas having to do with the rules and commentary as presented in the book. This is exciting news to say the very least, and I encourage anyone sentimental to the notion of wargaming in the classic sense to drop by their blog often, have a look around, and leave a comment. The link to the Blasthof Blog can be found at lower right, among the growing list of links to other sites and blogs of interest. Click on it and be sure to let Stuart, John, Steve, and Phil know that we're interested in what they have to say!


Bluebear Jeff said…

Thank you for the link . . . I've added it to the "Emperor vs Elector" "Other Blogs of Interest" list.

-- Jeff
Bloggerator said…
Likewise Stokes!

Congratulations on the new arrival - you might have noticed I'm not spending too much time in blogland at the moment... and guessed the reason why!

Best wishes to all at home,


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