Here's the first of several photographs I discovered on our other digital camera that were taken during last spring's Battle of Saegewerkdorf between Jef Hudelson and me. . . The game that was flooded out after only two turns! :-( Above are the Stollenian generals, surveying their position just to the southeast of the village. Here is the extreme left of the Stollenian line before advancing on Saegewerkdorf. Here is the battery of Stagonian artillery that caused a fair amount of trouble opposite of Stollen's right flank. One of the primary targets of that artillery was Stollen's cavalry arm, the 4th (Trakehnen) Dragoons. And here is the opposite end of Stollen's infantry line, occupied by the 2nd (Von Laurenz) Musketeers. No photo quite yet, but the second batch of Anspach-Beyreuth Kuirassiere is just about finished. One more tiny thing to paint, then it's onto touching up a few black areas, followed by my usual two coats of Future/Klear acrylic floor fini...