Saturday is here, boys and girls, so it's time for a little fun. And that means some figure painting here in Zum Stollenkeller! After a couple of days away, I took about an hour or so to apply a tan undercoat to that first squadron of those RSM95 Austrian(Stollenian) cuirassiers. The photo above shows them drying, waiting now for the application of white to the shoulderbelts and other high points on the upper bodies. This two-part process is how I like to suggest a little depth and shadow to nominally "white" uniforms.
On the technical side of things, I used a new #3 Cotman-Windsor&Newton synthetic bristle brush with a sharp point to apply said undercoat, which was Delta Cream Coat "Trail Tan". I was careful and certainly did not hurry since I actually enjoy the painting process, so it took about 90 minutes to do this particular step.
My process is not the only way to paint white uniforms, of course, but it's certainly a method that works for yours truly. Naturally, we all know that in real life white uniforms would have been a pearly grey or a light-tan, undyed wool color for the enlisted men at least. And don't forget to factor in the dirt, mud, and dust that must have shown up pretty quickly on elbows, knees, and etc. when a unit wearing such uniforms actually left the barracks and parade ground behind for several months of campaigning.
Next up, it' s the brown hair on the officer and his troopers, and then the white highlights described previously. Watch this space!
Enjoy your painting weekend. This is the start of a "long weekend" here in Canada because Monday is the Canadian Thanksgiving.
Our Thanksgiving is earlier than the US's because, well, harvest season is earlier because, well, you see it starts to get pretty darn cold "up north".
But never fear, we're nice and comfortable here on Vancouver Island . . . but my sister-in-law in Alberta emailed yesterday that they were in a "full-on blizzard".
-- Jeff
Glad to here the the Work continues you well and some super pictures of it- have fun.
Half term ( 2 weeks ) has begun for my wife and daughters here in Fife. Mine ( 1 week) commences next weekend, so we will overlap by a week which will be good.
We have had first biggish frost here and the nights are indeed drawing in. Time to light the candles and keep the dark at bay...