Here they are in all of their Peter Gilderesque, shiny glory, the first squadron and regimental staff of the Anspach-Beyreuth Kuirassiere. . . still a little wet after the application of the second coat of Future/Klear acrylic floor finish.
Now, here's a close-up photograph of the first squadron itself. My cavalry are all organized, more or less, according to the rules laid out in Charge! -- three squadrons of eight troopers and one officer plus a regimental staff of a colonel, standard bearer, and a trumpeter for a regimental strength of 30 figures.
Finally, here is the colonel along with his standard bearer and trumpeter. You'll notice that I finally decided to paint out the red sleeve chevrons on said trumpeter to bring this unit more in line with its historical counterparts in Austrian service during the Seven Years War. Historical veracity notwithstanding, the three squadrons sent to the Grand Duchy of Stollen in 1767 by the Margrave of Anspach-Beyreuth are commanded by one Colonel Heinrich von Heide. Rumor has it the the good colonel comes from an English family of good repute, who are involved in writing and publishing, though we have no way of confirming this at present.
Thanks for your kind words. I used an extra RSM Prussian officer for the flag bearer since these come cast with open hands. Instead of a sword, I glued a spare flagpole into his hand. Hope this helps.
Best Regards,
1 OR with tricone tape?
7 OR without tricorne tape?
Or is it just a Klear reflection?
Beautiful, in any case.
I look forward to seeing them thundering across the battlefield , they will surely do you proud and reward all your hard work and painstaking effort.
p.s Jan,Zoe,Anna & Freya ( not to mention me of course!) are really excited about the forthcoming news this coming week. I intend to name a unit I am raising in honour of the heir to the Stollen crown...
Best wishes
Best Regards,
Best wishes for the Grand Duchess and the new prince/princess
-- Allan