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Churchbells Ring throughout the Grand Duchy of Stollen. . .

. . . and the capital city of Krankenstadt. At 10:18 this morning, the Grand Duchess Sonja gave birth to David Paul I of Stollen, who weighed in at 7.1 pounds and measured 19 inches. Mother and baby are doing extremely well while the father is tired though relieved and content. He was the first to hold the baby, comfort him, and has already assisted with the first full check-up and bath of the grand ducal infant. It has indeed been a glorious day!!!

Wednesday Addendum
Thank you everyone for your warm wishes. I wonder what 'ol Irwin-Amadeus and Hives will do with this news? My guess is pack the trunks and head to Aunt Agatha's for a long weekend!


johnpreece said…
Mat I be the first to proffer cigars?

Well done to you both.
WSTKS-FM Worldwide said…
Thank you, John! Have a glass of sherry or port for me.
Jim Wright said…
Congratulations to you both!

It is good to hear there were no complications.

On to the next one!

Easy for me to say.

Sleep well tonight...DAD.

abdul666 said…
Congratulations and best wishes to the three of you!

Bluebear Jeff said…

Congratulations, Daddy.

Now, how soon do you think David will become your regular tabletop opponent?

I'm glad that mother and son are doing well . . . and get some rest, Pops.

-- Jeff
Sir William the Aged said…

I'll smoke your cigar for you, and lift a glass or two while I'm at it! Congratulations to both you and Sonja, and you can tell the young Heir Apparent that my Guard will be firing a salute in his honor.

Let's see, shortly we'll be needing an appropriately-sized tricorne, a short-scale bass, and a suitable collection of "Classical" music (Beatles, Stones, Animals, etc.)

Mad Carew said…
Congratulaions and best wishes.
Capt Bill said…
All of Beerstein rejoices at the wonderful news of the birth of David Paul I of Stollen. Reich Duke Wilhelm has authorized three days of celebration and has set aside a scholarship for young David Paul I of Stollen at the University of Pabst. It is expected he will become a fine commander of the Grenadier Guards...
Andy McMaster said…
Congratulations! This is the third time this week I have proffered similar on various wargame forums! Maybe there aren't many wargames shows in January? ;)

jmilesr said…
Fitz-Badger said…
The Soweiter League sends felicitations and congratulations! There will be celebrations in the League! :)
(David is a good name. It's my real world name. :) )
Der Alte Fritz said…
Congratulations to you and the Duchess and the Heir Apparent. We all will look forward to the pictures, eventually, but take your time and enjoy parenthood.
littlejohn said…
A hearty congratulations sir!

Trust the duchess is doing well, both your lives just got a lot more fun.......
Mike Siggins said…
Jiminho said…
Congratulations to all three of you! It is wonderful news that all went well. Good luck adjusting and recuperating in the next few days, and enjoy it!

DestoFante said…
tradgardmastare said…
Our very best congratulations from all @ Tradgardland. Fantastic news!
Alan & family
marinergrim said…
A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.

Congratulations to one and all.
Der Direktorat offers y'all congratulations. Very pleasing and happy news Von Stollen.

guy said…
V many congratulations to you both. There indeed does seem to be a wave of pregnacies/births at the moment on these forums. In say ten years time we could have a dads/offsprings special game.

Congratulations. Never tried being a dad myself, afraid I might have to grow up! I wish the 3 of you all of the best.
Ross Mac
Martin said…
Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! Word has just reached Raubenstadt. The Markgraaf has ordered the batteries of the Felsigberg to fire off salvos of salutes in honor of the occaision.

Congratulations Stokes, Sonja, and David (Nimbus). PARENTING TIP #1: When it comes to teething, you can't go wrong with mini-frozen waffles. Since they are cold they sooth the sore gums. They have built-in drool cups. They-re edible. Trust me; they rank right up there with the disposable diaper!
Giles said…
Stokes, many congratulations to you and your family!

Best wishes

Rob Young said…
Congratulations and Best Wishes.
Rob & Rob
Rob Young said…
Which, of course, should have been 'Rob & Sandra'
Captain Brummel said…
Die besten Glückwünsche aus fernen Münster!!

A toat to you all!

Captain Brummel said…
sorry, I meant TOAST!!
Ive been at the sherry again
Frankfurter said…
The Later in the Day Saints proclaim a formal Thanks Drink In ... and the Anglericans will schedule a special fish fry!
After which, the Hurtshog will joke with the Stuftliana that he's glad he won't have to burp them!
Steve-the-Wargamer said…
Top dog!!!!!!

All the best to you and yours... it ain't going to be the same any more! :o))))
old-tidders said…
Congratulations and best wishes to you all

-- Allan
A J said…
Heartiest congratulations! I'm so glad to hear all is well with you and yours. A 19-gun salute will be fired by the Guard Artillery in Hetzenberg's Great Park to commemorate the wonderful event.
ColCampbell50 said…
A belated well wishes from the statelets in Thuringia. A triumphant volley will be fired tonight by the massed artillery.

Snickering Corpses said…
That is awesome news, my dear Stokes. I am so glad to hear all went well, and give our best to Sonja and the new infant as well!
Prince Lupus said…
Oh the fun starts now!!

Many congratulations.
Pjotr said…
And so it begins.
Congratulations to the proud father and mother.
I hope we get a picture of your latest creation soon?

Poruchik said…
Congratulations Stokes you have just begun the best hardest most enjoyable job you will ever have and it never ends, ever.

It is the single best thing I have ever done in my life and the title of Dad is the one I wear with the most pride.

Congrats again,
Ken Marshall said…
Belated congratulations and best wishes to the three of you.

Life won't be the same again

John Clements said…
Bit late getting the news but congratulations to both you. Glad to read that all's well.

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