Between the usual mid-semester stuff and the final few weeks of The Grand Duchess' pregnancy, things have slowed considerably on all fronts here at Stollen HQ, but I've still managed to fit in an hour of painting here and there. Here are a couple of photos, illustrating where we stand with the first squadron of Austrian/Stollenian cuirassiers after last night.
You'll note that all red on the facings, turnbacks, and saddlecloths is done. The carbine stocks, barrels, and firelocks/trigger guards are also finished and the sword blades too. Next up, I'll do the yellow/gold saddlecloth lace and probably also do the one visible brass/gilt shoulder thingies on the cuirasses too. Progress has also been slowed a bit since the figures keep popping off the plastic milk jug lids I am using as temporary painting bases, and I have to keep regluing them. Grumble, grumble, grumble. . .
-- Jeff
I enjoyed the joke in the previous post (the old ones are the best!)
-- Allan
Have you got the hospital overnight crash bag for the Grand Duchess packed and ready to go?
Best Regards,