Yep, you read it right. After a fit of activity early yesterday morning and late this afternoon, all of the mid-blue facings on the fourth and final company of the 7th Von Flickenhoffer's Fusiliers are finished. All that remains are the black gaiter buttons and the metal trim on the fusilier caps. Then two coats of Future/Klear acrylic floor finish and tally ho!
Afterward, it's on to those thirty or so RSM95 curiassiers that have been sitting in formation on the ol' painting table for oh so many months. Jim "Alte Fritz" Purky isn't the only one who is going to be painting Austrian heavy cavalry, though mine won't have the lovely blue facings of his Alt Modena Regiment that's currently in-progress up at Chez Fritz. By the way, click on Jim's Hesse-Seewald link at right to ogle several recent photographs of the Minden cuirassiers that he is using for his aformentioned Alt Modena Regiment. The initial squadron is stunning.
Ok! Fusilier photos coming tomorrow or Sunday. Tune in again then!
-- Jeff
I'm pleased to report the the Zvesda genadiers have arrived from that wonderwall site you recommended.
They are superb figures and I'm sure you will be delighted to incorporated some into your forces. They are more rounded and undoubtably better models than the Revell figures, 24mm base of foot to eye and 31mm to the top of the mitre. Far better detailed eg the gaiter buttons are there, the locks of hair on the dide of the face, little grenades on the bottom of the mitre, great expressive faces etc. They would however sit happily with the Revell ones.
There seems to be a fair bit of assembly ie arms, muskets etc. For some reason there are 9 kneeling firing figures but only 6 standing firing. 6 great marching figures and 3 at attention. The officer, NCO and fifer are great. There is a standard bearer but I will convert him into another NCO. The only weak figure is the drummer where for some reason the detail is not so precise ie the gaiter buttons are not there.
I hope the above is helpful. Highly recommended as Hal Thinglum used to say in the MWAN reviews.
Just a pity it doesnt come along very often!
I am looking forward to the photos.