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Baby's Room Almost Finished. . .

A quiet day today enabled me to get just about done applying a coat of Olympic "Flax" (golden yellow. . . that's more or less aurore to you Bonapartists!) to baby's room-to-be. In-laws are mercifully on the way back to Seattle, the Grand Duchess otherwise occupied with their departure, and all is once again right with my little corner of the world!

I'll finish trimming in around the windows tomorrow afternoon once I get home and change clothes. And then a quick second coat with the roller and voila! I'll also snap a few photographs and post them if there is time before dinner and our first birthing class. I dare say that the rooms is hardly recognizable after a single coat of primer and the first coat of paint. Makes me wonder why on earth I just didn't go ahead with painting the room a year ago.

On other fronts, I was up really early this morning (before 5am) thanks to the Grand Duchess, who had occupied the middle of the bed and was sound asleep, and I was unable to wake her, so I could ask her to move the blazes over. Resigned, I got up quietly, tiptoed downstairs, made coffee, and retreated to recesses of Zum Stollenkeller where I managed to apply a coat of black gesso to the first four of those thirty RSM Austrian cuirassiers. Ah, it always gets the blood pumping when I begin a new unit that's been waiting in the queue. Charge!


jmilesr said…
Good luck with all your baby preparations - I remember being scared to death by the video they showed at our first lamaze class. I think the instructors do it on purpose to tease the men.

By the way, get used to early morning painting, once the baby arrives that me be your only time at the bench!

My son goes off tomorrow for his first day of High School - Yikes!
tradgardmastare said…
Good to read of your journey towards the arrival of the heir to the Duchy of Stollen.
I look forward to the new unit progressing as well as more pictures of the babies room.
My youngest started High School last week- time does indeed fly...
best wishes
p.s what about raising a guard unit of lancers/ulans/horse grenediers ,I don't think you have one yet
johnpreece said…
I am impressed by your energy, and yes, I think that shade of blue is best left for uniforms.

The early morning may well become a refuge as tme goes by. Use it well!!

Bluebear Jeff said…
The reason that you didn't paint the room a year ago was that you didn't have a baby on the way back then.

And, of course, you had better things to paint . . . miniatures!

-- Jeff
Anonymous said…
Get used to the early mornings! Also the idea that all that hard work painting the room will be over with the first pack of crayons!


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