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You see, the thing about long-distance bicycling is. . .

. . . that it boosts your metabolism to such highs that you can wield the paintbrush very quickly indeed. ;-) Sorry Frank, just kidding!

Actually, I am now waist deep in student papers from all of the courses I’m teaching this term, so painting has unfortunately slowed down a bit here at Stollen Central this week. Poor me!

However, I was able to paint the bronze bands holding the musket barrels in the wooden stocks for the 1st company of Zichenauers, which is now all finished except for the clear coat or two of acrylic varnish. You can see 'em up close and personal by clicking on the photo at the top of this post.

I’ve also included a close-up of Colonel Augustus von Finknottle below. The graininess of his coat (darn those acrylic whites) should be less obvious after a coat or two of Future. Still, I think he’s a dashing fellow at the head of his regiment, “The Newts”. What would Bertie and Bingo say? How about Honoria? And what might Jeeves think?

Last night, I got a jump on the next batch and spent a couple of late hours painting the white coats of the 2nd company. This is a two-step process, involving a coat of tan, followed by a very thin coat or two of white. The tan provides the shadow, a color closer to raw wool, while the white is the brilliant highlight of course.

I took care to keep the #3 brush and the Ral Partha white very wet in order to avoid the same grainy clumping that bedevils Colonel von Finknottle. I think you’ll agree that the final result is pretty good this time – nice, even coats of white with no graininess.

When I finish wading through these darn papers, it’s onto the white shirt cuffs peeking out the ends of the coat sleeves. And then the purple facings and turnbacks, followed by the crossbelts, etc. I’m trying to break up the obvious monotony of painting an 80-figure regiment by jumbling the process enough to keep things reasonably interesting.

Ok now it’s off to bed. Oberfeldwebel Klatschen sagt, "Gute nacht m
änner und schlaffen Sie shön! Zzzzzzzz. . ."


marinergrim said…
Nice. Very nice.
Bluebear Jeff said…
The troops look wonderful . . . and I suspect that Colonel von Finknottle's coat is merely indicative of the currently strained condition of his personal finances.

Hmmm, does he drink or gamble (or gambol)? Perhaps his family has fallen on hard times.

I know, he should take his regiment and find a good place to look . . . perhaps somewhere near the Gallia / Hesse-Seewalt border?

-- Jeff
old-tidders said…
Looking good, I especially like the mounted officer.

-- Allan
Fitz-Badger said…
Bertie and Bingo would probably say "What ho!". ;-) What would Madeline Bassett say?

Great paint job!
Frank said…
Great stuff again Stokes. I don't how you keep it up. You must get up to something on those bike rides that gives you inspiration :-)
M McCown said…
Wow, these look fantastic! Made all the better by the wonderful camera work. Looking good, Stokes but I will leave long-distance cycling to you regardless of the inspiration :)


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