Hello there, men! Just a brief note to say thanks to all who have made the Grand Duchy of Stollen a part of their web routine during the last year. The Stollenian court and its ministers extend a hearty “Thank you” to one and all.
The Grand Duke Irwin-Amadeus II (at left) is very pleased to see that tourist numbers have rounded just over 12,000. Indeed, this is seen as one of the reasons for his return to semi-normalcy. In recent weeks, his doctor and advisors report, the Grand Duke has even begun to take a greater hand in the day to day affairs of state here in Krankenstadt Palace.
While those closest to the Grand Duke report that it is still difficult to coax him from the recently laundered and pressed lobster costume (his intermediary Roman senator’s toga having been discarded – at least for the time being), Irwin-Amadeus seems to have left the malaise of early summer behind. Of course, there is always hope that he might be lured back into a manner of dress more suited to a ruler of Stollen.
The Grand Duke also wishes it to be known that he looks forward to (re)establishing relations with his imaginary 18th century neighbors directly. And there are even rumors that he will lead a small force of reinforcement into the field, to join the observation corps already in place along the southern frontier between Stollen and its enemy, the Electorate of Zichenau.
Visitors to the Grand Duchy of Stollen can also look forward to a retrospective, of sorts, for the passed year here very soon. For now, it’s back to trimming the mold lines from that huge batch of Revell 1/72 Austrian grenadiers. Charge!
The Grand Duke Irwin-Amadeus II (at left) is very pleased to see that tourist numbers have rounded just over 12,000. Indeed, this is seen as one of the reasons for his return to semi-normalcy. In recent weeks, his doctor and advisors report, the Grand Duke has even begun to take a greater hand in the day to day affairs of state here in Krankenstadt Palace.
While those closest to the Grand Duke report that it is still difficult to coax him from the recently laundered and pressed lobster costume (his intermediary Roman senator’s toga having been discarded – at least for the time being), Irwin-Amadeus seems to have left the malaise of early summer behind. Of course, there is always hope that he might be lured back into a manner of dress more suited to a ruler of Stollen.
The Grand Duke also wishes it to be known that he looks forward to (re)establishing relations with his imaginary 18th century neighbors directly. And there are even rumors that he will lead a small force of reinforcement into the field, to join the observation corps already in place along the southern frontier between Stollen and its enemy, the Electorate of Zichenau.
Visitors to the Grand Duchy of Stollen can also look forward to a retrospective, of sorts, for the passed year here very soon. For now, it’s back to trimming the mold lines from that huge batch of Revell 1/72 Austrian grenadiers. Charge!
"Immediately, your Majesty."
"And, Rudy, make sure that it can't be traced back to us."
"Of course, your Majesty. Those are elementary precautions -- which I always use."