Hello all! Have been combatting a head cold and Phil Olley's "painting wall" -- discussed in one of his project management articles a few months back in our favorite new wargaming magazine, the magnificent Battlegames -- since I've been back. Hence the lack of recent posts here. But, I've managed to make myself sit down and do a little bit of work most evenings, so things are not at a complete stand still in The Grand Duchy of Stollen just yet!
So, here for your viewing pleasure are three shots showing my progress on the first 1/3 and a bit more of Stollen's household troops, the Leib (The Grand Duchess Sonja's Own) Grenadier Regiment. Still some basic colors to block in as well as facings, turnbacks, musket stocks, etc.
The white gaiters took forever because I've been applying my whites in thin washes to avoid clumping. This means that it takes 2-3 applications to acheive a genuine white rather than some shade of grey over my black undercoat.
Not the most exciting work, is it? Still, I think the first company of the regiment is becoming a rather charming bunch of fellows. . . in a manly way of course! ;-).
By the way, the paint colors I've used so far have been a mix of various acrylics: Games Workshop for the green (Goblin Green), light blue (Ice Blue), and red (Blood Red), plus an old bottle of Ral Partha for the white. I've had the RP bottle for about 10 years. It just lasts and lasts! Flesh tone is Windor-Newton Alkyd (oil based, but it dries to the touch in 24 hours). Enjoy!
-- Jeff
Excellent stuff as usual. Like you I've changed to applying white in washes rather a thick coat (GW Skull White is notoriously grainy).
I do like the red you've used. which manufacturer is that from?
Thank you, Jeff! Saty tuned for continued progress (I hope).
Paul, GW "Scab Red" in two coats, so it's really bright.
Best Regards,
hmm...I wonder who makes 25mm goats.