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Let the Painting of RSM95 Grenadiers Begin!!!

It’s a crisp, blue, sunny Sunday morning here in the Grand Duchy. We have about an inch and a half of new snow on the ground outside. Not enough really to do anything with. It’s hard to believe we had over a foot of the stuff two weeks ago before the weather warmed up. There are still big dirty piles of snow at the edge of all the parking lots and on some side streets, but thanks to temperatures in the upper 40s (that's Fahrenheit, not Celsius) and/or lots of rain the passed week, much of our lovely blanket of snow has gone. Sigh.

But on the painting front, I was able to get in a little bit of work base coating the RSM95 grenadiers yesterday with Liquitex white acrylic gesso. This stuff sticks equally well to metal or plastic figures and provides a nice surface on which to paint. Artists use gesso to prepare their canvases or other surfaces for painting. No, they don’t always apply their colors to the raw canvas. My mother used lots of gesso to prepare her painting surfaces back in the early 80s. I don't know why it never occurred to me to use gesso as a base coating medium before last fall!

Anyway, after I finish with the gesso on the last ten figures, then it’s time to paint on the black undercoat. I’ll use my usual Liquitex black acrylic paint for this step, and if there is still some time this afternoon, I’ll paint the faces and hands, followed by the bases for which I’ll use Games Workshop “Goblin Green”. If I feel like it after supper this evening, maybe I’ll post a photo here to illustrate my progress.


Bluebear Jeff said…
I'm looking forward to seeing how you find them to paint.

-- Jeff

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