In the next couple of nights, I hope to wrap up work on the 4th (Trakehnen) Dragoons! Above are a few phtoos for your vieiwng pleasure: A birds-eye view of the entire regiment, a worms-eye view of the same, and a shot of Squadron C as they appear this morning. A few more details remain to paint, and I have some touch-ups in black on several of the troopers throughout the regiment -- mostly things like reins and scabbards. But they're not looking too bad, I think.
While the last nine horses dry out (I use oils for those, you might recall) -- the final paintng step -- I'll start base coating the RSM grenadiers. I've begun painting one of them just to see how they progress, and I'm really pleased. Rapid, easy painting. A welcome change of pace from months of painting plastics! Anyway, to get cracking with the entire RSM-based unit is exciting, to say the least. The fourth shot above illustrates how this single figure is shaping up.
I'll be away for a week in mid-March, so I am shooting for an early April completion date with these fine fellows -- The Leib (Grand Duchess' Own) Grenadier Regiment. And then it's on to paint a few core units for the Electorate of Zichenau.
And what will those unifrms look like? Well, I've already figured out the color schemes of these, using a certain nameless template from a certain nameless source contributed by a certain nameless gentleman developing his own nameless fictitious country and troops ;-).
Suffice to say, some of Zichenau's uniforms are going to be more striking than Stollen's! The violet uniforms worn by Danish artillery during the War of Spanish Succession, along with Henry Hyde's recent article in Battlegames #6 on uniforming one's army, have inspired me to be even more flamboyant with my uniform designs. Afterall, these troops are intended to be used for completely ahistorical games. Hmmm. . . I've always suspected that there was a dandy lurking within me somewhere! That must explain why I enjoy wearing snazzy neckties and blazers.