Ok, this shot is not the best, but it does give some idea of just how long the brigade line stretches. . . off into the distance. Imagine how neat it will be once I have painted a comparable number of troops for the Electorate of Zichenau, and there are two brigades opposing each other on the table. Hmmmm. . . I wish I could paint faster and life would stop getting in the way!
Here's a picture illustrating my (S-L-O-W) progress with the second company of Stollen's Leib (Grand Duchess Sonja's Own) Grenadiers. You can see I'm doing things a bit differently this time, altering the painting process to keep it interesting basically. This evening, I'll do the white gaiters and, if that goes reasonably quickly, and time allows, the red breeches. Still lots to do, but I like the way these fine fellows are shaping up along side the completed 1st company that's standing in formation just off camera, to the left here. Until tonight then!
It really makes me wish I would have collected more boxes of the Revell SYW stuff. The only sets I'm missing are the Prussian Hussars and the Austrian artillery, but as it is, I only have one each of the other sets, so there's not a whole lot I can do with those except a possible skirmish game of some sort. Oh well...too soon old, too late smart!
So, how many boxes of Prussians did you need to loot to put together the one unit?
Lovely little fellows, I do like the colors on the Jaeger Zu Fuss! Quite impressive all lined up also.
Best Regards,
Your sense of achievement will only be surpassed by the feelings you will get after their first tabletop VICTORY!
Those plastic figures have a really cool OSW feel to them.