My wife's book finally arrived yesterday! She's worked on it for about five years, and I'm just so proud of her I can hardly stand it. If you're really into the serious study of sci fi literature, check out the following: Science Fiction Literature in East Germany by Sonja Fritzsche. She has published quite a few articles, but this is her first book and we're really thrilled.
Here's a picture illustrating my (S-L-O-W) progress with the second company of Stollen's Leib (Grand Duchess Sonja's Own) Grenadiers. You can see I'm doing things a bit differently this time, altering the painting process to keep it interesting basically. This evening, I'll do the white gaiters and, if that goes reasonably quickly, and time allows, the red breeches. Still lots to do, but I like the way these fine fellows are shaping up along side the completed 1st company that's standing in formation just off camera, to the left here. Until tonight then!
Best Regards,
Stokes Schwartz
And also how frustrating it can be when an editor who knows less than you do "corrects" something that was correct and turns it into something incorrect. (Sorry about that, but I've had it happen too many times). I hope that she managed to avoid that.
I salute her, as I'm sure all of us do. I hope that you constantly let her know how much you appreciate her.
-- Jeff