A good question and one that has been mentioned several times over at OSW for the last few days with regard to “what” is appropriate for posting at that group and what should be addressed elsewhere. Can anyone provide a fairly succinct answer to the question though? Many at OSW have, no doubt, pondered the subject already. Mike Siggins offered his take on the matter of the “old school” approach in a recent issue of Battlegames. And many of my own questions are similar to his.
Continuing along, what constitutes an "old school" approach to one's wargaming anyway? Is it limited solely to a fondness for big battalions? Perceived simplicity of rules? Attainable painting results? An 18th century focus? Imaginary combatants? A love for all things Young and Grant? Minimalist terrain? Must one, instead, simply love 30mm or larger figure sizes by manufacturers like Tradition, Willie and Suren, or RSM 95? Could we consider WRG's 1685-1845 rules, 1979 edition “old school” just because more than 25 years have passed since that rule set was first issued? ;-)
Is it, instead, simply a matter of the ages of OSW members, almost 40s-50s for most of us, combined with nostalgia for the heady days of the 1960s and 1970s in wargaming terms? Or is it an aversion to computer, fantasy, and sci-fi gaming, which seems to be gaining ground at the expense of our own branch of the hobby? Is it a preference for Charles Grant Sr's "the look of the thing" and distaste for tiny units of 12-16 figures that purport to represent, say, a unit of 800 soldiers and strange (to my mind) basing regulations?
I realize that much of this is like trying to pinpoint an emotion like love. In other words, it’s very difficult to nail down and slightly different for each person. But the litany of questions above is interesting for us to consider in any case.
For my part, I enjoy virtually every discussion topic over at OSW -- from battalion guns, to plastic (and metal) Spencer Smiths, to painting methods and painting challenges, to cartography software. Bill Protz's, Jim Purkey's, and others’ photo postings are great too. Sure, it can be a bit dull reading everyone's excited reports every two months on the arrival of their latest copy of Battlegames. Most of the time, though, I feel like each discussion topic has something interesting to it -- and I've even gone all the way back to the early OSW postings to read through those, much to the dismay of my wife, for hours at a time!
I can't quite put my finger on it, but the OSW group and its associated discussions are, to me anyway, much more interesting than those on, say, The Miniatures Page, which I also look at from time to time. No attack intended on that group -- It's just that, somehow, the topics, and tone, of most discussion at OSW resonate more with me and my particular wargaming, miniature, historical, and creative interests.
Happy Painting, Collecting, and Gaming!
Big battalions (or units) are certainly part of it - although the 1685-1850 rules from Wrg (which are viewed as Old School) have a 1:50 ratio making small battalions. I prefer battalions at 1:20 or even 1:10 ratios.
Dice and buckets of them. I like that. None of this D10/D20 single rolls. Lets have buckets of D6's with plenty of spots!
Simple rules. Definately. Less pages = more fun for me!
Overall though I think it is trying to recapture that spirit of fun and enthusiasm that was there 30 years ago when the hobby was young. all of us eagerly waiting for the new magazine to come out (Battle in those days for me), going to the shop to buy a half dozen figures and get them on the table as soon as. And FUN with a capital F.