During the last couple of weeks, I’ve been thinking about fleshing out the geographical names of my imaginary grand duchy, electorate, and principalities. I’ve decided to name my river(s) the Greater Zwischen and the Lesser Zwischen. Each flows into the main river, the Blue Zwischen, which separates Stollen and Zichenau. Once the Blue Zwischen moves through my territories, it then flows northwest and empties into the Baltic somewhere near
The lay of the land in this forgotten corner of
The names of the primary cities in the region are:
Grand Duchy of Stollen: Krankenstadt
Electorate of Zichenau: Hissig
Principality of Pillau-Zerbst: Schmitten
Principality of Pillau-Reuss: Schneiden
Principality of Tauroggen-Fiebus: Doppig
Principality of Werben-Steinau: Paastaaelig
Zeller-Schwartzekatz: Lustig
***Those of you with a linguistic background might recognize some of these words with which I’m playing!