Not much to look at so far, and I've violated my "Fleshtone First" step, but I am very pleased with the Charcoal Gray highlight on the black areas. Not too much, but just enough difference from the straight black. A wee bit of painting progress the last week or so on the first platoon of eight privates, a few drummers, and a couple of officers. This time around, I am playing with the order in which I do things and trying to resist the urge to apply too much highlight color to the blacks, blues, and reds. On that note, I've found a very nice dark 'Charcoal Gray' acrylic that seems to provide just the perfect highlight for black leather and cloth of various kinds. Less silvery than the Zinc used in the past. See what you think. On the technical end of things, I've been using larger #4 round brushes for much of the painting so far. Another one with a not so good point and a new one with a very good point where more precision is called for....