The test figure is shaping up nicely although some of the details do not match the Knoetel plate that serves as one of my main references. S pent a pleasant hour or so yesterday evening after the Young Master's bedtime working on a single test figure from those 30 RSM95 French cuirassiers in bearskins. These are destined to become, more or less, one squadron of Württemberg horse grenadiers, or more properly 'Leib-Grenadiere zu Pferd.' A second squadron, based on a different German heavy cavalry regiment in French service, will be painted in either dark blue or white coats. The two squadrons will form a fictitious composite regiment that will serve in either The Army of Stollen, or The Army of Zichenau as and when scenarios require. On a related note, the Grand Duchess and I had a discussion about the proper German terminology for these troops late last night, and yours truly was actually right. For once. It seems all of those years of stru...