An unretouch ed image of the next three batche s of eventual camp followers as they near completion. S pent a lovely three hours or so painting this Easter Weekend Saturday afternoon, tinkering with shades of paint and washes in the eternal attempt to get things just right. Not sure that I ever will of course, but these aren't half bad. Just a few more small things to attend to tomorrow afternoon, and then it will be time to return to that large vignette of working girls , attended to by the rather pious-looking Black Hussar Lutheran pastor who attempts to save their souls. So far, the most time consuming part of all this has had to do with the white aprons and blouses, and shirts. It's an inexact science, but I have been starting with a gray undercoat lately and then follow with several washes of white, taking care to let the gray show in the deepest folds. After several washes (three, our, or five), I finish by applying pure pigment to the highest...