Sadly deceased Swedish figure sculptor Holger Eriksson gazing at some of his larger creations. By all accounts, Mr. Eriksson was extremely an talented individual, carving many of his master figures from wood. The mercifully long Thanksgiving weekend has just about finished here in U.S., and besides lots of time for family, food, and related fun, I've been able to spend a reasonable amount of time here in Zum Stollenkeller doing a few hobby-related things. Besides yesterday's box o' bits, I've managed to get that 30-strong regiment of Holger Eriksson cavalry ready for basecoating. These should be fun and fairly rapid to paint. I'm setting a challenge to myself to see if I can complete the regiment by December 31st. More on this later right here. I've also purchased two NEW tubes of superglue (remember the annoyed rant the other evening?) and assembled a couple of MiniFig generic SYW-era cannon, which are waiting patiently to the left of the HE cavalry at the ...