A couple of 18th century grenadiers -- Not Prussian but Hessian (Shock! Horror! Gasp!) -- with some jaeger standing in the background in honor of Zvezda's forthcoming release. Another week has just finished, and while it didn't strike me as particularly packed with activity or terribly busy, it's sometimes amazing how little seems to have been accomplished in any given seven-day period. . . on all fronts! But, my recent opponent, the good Major Wolfgang von Hirschbiegel, and I have been discussing the preliminaries of a joint project that is related to the recently concluded battle, so I guess things have not been entirely inert. More on this later when we have a bit more direction. And as a taste of other things yet to come, I thought I'd mention just a few additional points of interest this evening before the Grand Duchess and I sit down to dinner. First of all, look for an after action report of sorts on the recently concluded Action at Pickelhaubewicz, in wh...