The Grand Duchy of Stollen has been visited slightly over 15,000 times since the start of this blog in August 2006. Flags are flying from bridges, government buildings, and the palace in Krankenstadt this morning. And the Grand Duke Irwin-Amadeus, dressed in the fanciest version of his lobster costume, complete with TWO left-handed claws, will speak before an assembly of his ministers later today. Besides the expected self-congratulations, it is widely believed that the Grand Duke will comment on the continued build-up of Zichenauer forces along the Zwischen river that separates largely Protestant Stollen from its arch-enemy the predominantly Catholic Electorate of Zichenau. Unusually, it is thought that a winter campaign might possibly be waged against Zichenau. Keep reading Die Krankenstadt Tageblat for further developments. Katrina-Bettina von Heffelfinger