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Showing posts from August, 2023

Sharper Ansbach-Beyreuth Jaegers. . .

  Somewhat sharper close-ups of a few of the recently completed figures.  Not brightened, since that seems to do weird things to the colors.  Getting there, but clearer nonetheless. -- Stokes

The Ansbach-Beyreuth Jaegers on Maneuvers. . .

  C learly, I need a better camera that will take sharper photographs although the Fotor app has a few new AI tools that help a bit in the editing process.  The macro setting on the decade-old Sony Cybershot just doesn't quite do it, and I have a couple of very expensive SLR cameras with various lenses that belonged to my late mother, but, frankly, those are simply too complicated to figure out.   Still, the improved presentation is bit nicer here than the earlier grungy workbench photographs.   Now, barring unforeseen complications, it's on to the Battle of Spargelzeit next weekend.  The Young Master asked about it today, mentioning that he didn't want me to forget.  How could I?  Where a game of toy solders with my son are concerned, there's no way.   Watch this space! -- Stokes

Ansbach-Beyreuth Jaegers Finished!!!

T wo quick shots, a taste, of the finished 15 Fife & Drum jaegers.  I finished the glossing Wednesday or Thursday evening, applied sand and brown ink to the bases Friday evening, dry-brushed the dried bases with tan paint Saturday morning,  and returned to apply scenic materials yesterday (Saturday) evening.  Not bad if I say do so myself.  Better photos with more scenic background will follow later today. -- Stokes.  

Just Three More Buttons. . .

  A reprise of the second-from-the-top photograph, but this time brightened and cropped to show just the three figures making up the company command vignette.  Or it will be a vignette once some minor terrain features have been added post-glossing. W ell, I mistakenly THOUGHT that my Ansbach-Beyreuth company of 15 (Fife & Drum) jaegers was done.  But -- and it seems there is always a 'but' in these matters -- there are three, or possibly four or five buttons down the front of the officer's waistcoat that need a dot of gold.  And one or two more touch-ups that I spot now looking at the pictures.   But then I will stop this madness and call them done save for the usual acrylic gloss varnish and some Woodland Scenics materials on the bases.  In any case, here are a few photographs snapped this (Saturday) morning to illustrate where things stand at the moment.  Some of my favorite castings, I think, among the many gems produced by Minden, F&D, and Crann Tara.  There ar

Just About There. . .

P icking away at the 15 Ansbach-Beyreuth Jaegers the last two or three eveningss, and things are coming together nicely.  Just the firelocks, trigger guards (where visible), some brass detailing on the musket stocks (where visible), and a few missed buttons on a jacket or two. Then, it's time for a few touch-ups before glossing and some limited terrain on the bases.  I'm thinking a tree trunk or shrub on the two larger bases and rough ground on the others.  Really just a carfeully trimmed twig from outside and some Woodland Scenics materials.  But it will add a bit of interest to the completed unit. Should be all ready, in any case, for the Young Master to command them in their inaugural battle by week's end. Stay tuned! -- Stokes