After several [shorter] sessions -- three or four? -- in the painting chair today, the musket detailing is finished. Brass fittings, trigger guards, firelocks, highlighted [musket] straps, and the ramrods in gun metal on the underside of the stocks. Yes, I realize my head should be examined because no one will ever notice them. But I know they are there.
One more easy session this evening to tone down the shako plates with an Army Painter wash, which will also bring out some of the detailing, but then I'll call it a day. The old eyes are tired, and it has been a pretty good day's work with a minimum of mistakes to correct. Nice when that happens.
Tomorrow (Sunday), I'll start the scabbard belts and possibly the brass detailing on the scabbards. There is quite a bit on the Minden figures, and I'll naturally want to suggest the presence of some on the slightly less detailed RSM95 figures in firing position.
-- Stokes
A Sunday Morning P.S.
The painting muse was still with me last night as I wrapped up the work on musket detailing, so I squeezed a few drops of Army Painter 'Basilisk Brown' (really a dull yellow) onto my palette paper and got to work applying the facing color to just three figures in the back row. You know, just to see how that particular step might go. Pleased with the results. Cuffs and collars look good, so I'll finish the rest later this morning after another mug of coffee and getting dressed for the day.
At the moment (9:35am), still in my pajamas enjoying a first mug of my dark mistress with the cats nearby you understand. A lovely, sunny day blooming outside. Birds singing and other early spring activity happening. And while I could do with another month or so of skiable snow -- There are places out west in the Rockies and Cascades where the ski season lasts for five and six months! -- springtime ain't too bad either.