After several short(-er) painting sessions Sunday morning and early afternoon, here's where things stand with the final 15 Croats, based on the Slavonsich-Brooder Grenzer. In keeping with the muted palette, I used Army Painter 'Basilisk Brown' for the yellow facing color. Fairly easy to apply to the cuffs but trickier for the visible edges of the coat collars.
For a while, I toyed with the idea of applying a slightly brighter yellow highlight, at least to the cuffs, but decided against that in the end. Fewer things are more frustrating than a snafu+ atop already reasonably good brushwork. You know what I mean.
The trick seems to be to get only the tiniest bit of color onto the very tip of the bristles -- my trusty old 000 sable spotter that I've had for going on 25 years -- and deposit a drop or so onto the visible collar edges. Be careful to leave some of the dark undercoat showing and wick away any excess with a damp brush quickly before it sets. As always, not perfect, but good enough at arm's length I think.
I also took the opportunity to begin addressing any visible sashes and finished with applying my usual very dark gray to the edges of the black cartridge pouches and shakos. Must return to the latter this evening, or tomorrow for a bit of touching up, but the figures are getting there. Of course, we're not out of the woods yet (That's a Croat joke, son!). Still much to do, but I'm pleased enough with my progress since Friday evening, so it seems like a good idea to take a break and give the eyes a rest now.
-- Stokes
Kind Regards,
Best Iain