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Carry on Gulyás. . .


After just a couple of painting sessions during the last two days, an evening and an early afternoon, Private Gulyás is beginning to resemble his fellows although with a few notable differences to set him apart on the table.  

The eagle-eyed among you might notice a slightly different blue was used for his leggings although that then received the usual Army Painter blue wash.  Likewise, his dolman was given a dab of GW Korne Red followed by Army Painter red wash.  Last, his headgear features a red cloth top and, like several others in the unit, his dark red cape (the same two-part blend of Khorne Red and red wash) has been fashioned into a bundle stuffed with plunder and loot of one kind or another.  

Now, for some reason, I can't help but imagine either the late Frankie Howard or, perhaps, the equally departed Bob Todd in the role of Pvt. Gulyás were anyone ever foolish enough to bring the feature to the silver screen during the 1960s or 70s. Robin Askwith (Confessions of a Window Cleaner) would not have been quite right for the part!  

In any case, while still quite a bit of detailing remains to tackle, the figures are beginning to present a pleasingly grubby, rough appearance.  Highly appropriate given the types of soldiers they represent.

This evening, I'll apply a dark wash to the musket stocks first and then, if I feel brave enough, start on the mustaches, hair locks, and queues.  The Army Painter flesh wash has defined everything rather nicely, so I would like to avoid any mistakes here that might mar earlier brushwork.

-- Stokes


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