After a few weeks away due to skiing, work related stuff, and a maddeningly dried out tube of super glue gel, it's back to the painting table to begin tackling the third and final company of Minden and RSM95 Croats. They've been knocking around my spares box for years now. Time to do something about that. When finished, they will join two other companies painted way back in 2010 or 2011.
This particular company will carry, the eagle-eyed among you might notice, a semi-fictitious swallow-tailed flag, of which more anon. But it's a beaut courtesy of David of Not by Appointment fame.
Tomorrow (Sunday), flesh tone, blacks, and possibly another area or two of color. Somehow, I have managed to free up the entire day, so who knows where things might end up.
Perhaps even more exciting, from a photographic point of view, I have also upgraded the ol' iPhone after quite a few years of using an iPhone 7. That means sharper, clearer photographs here and elsewhere. Huzzah! You can even notice the difference in the unglamorous base-coating shot above I think.
In any case, watch this space!
-- Stokes
Are you going to add any plunder to these Croat bases in the form of looted chests, wine bottles or the odd liberated chicken?