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Bit by Bit. . .


My usual cheery place holder until I have opportunity to share new photographs of the current figures under the brush.
A pleasant 45 minutes or so in the painting chair yesterday evening following the evening meal applying Army Painter flesh wash to 15 faces and 30 hands.  In a day or three, I'll use a small brush to retouch a few high points in these areas with the original flesh tone.  Black neck stocks and scabbards this evening, however, with possibly basic dark brown for the musket stocks depending on how time goes.  

A photo update will follow in the next post, not so much because it is necessary, but because I am simply tickled pink by the sharpness and depth of field possible with the recent iPhone update.  Why not?  Suddenly, near professional looking photographs are within easy reach, so it seems a shame not to include another in-progress photograph or two.  

But right now, it's time for another mug of coffee before showering, shaving, and dressing for the day.  Online office hours for students (should any turn up) at 10am followed by various and sundry work-related tasks until 4pm when I'll call it a day.  

We are slated for appreciable snowfall here, or so the weather forecast maintains, so more local skiing could be in the cards during the next few days.  But I am also planning a solo weekend "up north" as we say here in Michigan during February 21st-23rd with the blessing of the Grand Duchess.  A trip to our favorite Nordic Center outside of Fredric for 2.5 days of exploring trails and working on skate skiing technique (with a lesson), something that is relatively new to me.  

My classic technique (diagonal stride) is finally coming together according to the ski coach I've been working with the last couple of years.  And after only a quarter century.  As an adult learner, it has been surprisingly hard to commit to transferring my weight to and balancing for glide on one foot while kicking to the rear with the other foot/leg for propulsion and moving forward over varied terrain.  

Even on groomed snow, there are various imperfections beneath the set tracks and corduroy to contend with on a moments notice.  Lots of little things to keep in mind while schussing over hill, dale, and through the Northern Michigan woods, but everything is apparently coming together, or we might say "falling" into place, at last.

But I digress.  In the meantime, watch this space for a painting update.

-- Stokes


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