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Showing posts from February, 2025

Further Croat Progress. . .

A nother 90 minutes or so in the painting chair yesterday evening once the house was still.  The session saw very slow painting with a fairly new #1 synthetic round in which I carefully applied acrylic colors to the capes slung over the shoulders of most of the Minden figures comprising this 14-figure company.  The RSM95s in the firing pose have their capes fashioned into overstuffed bundles atop their upper backs.  I've turned a couple of these around to show them here.   Most figures had a coat of GW Khorne Red applied to their capes while the others received light gray, a yellowish leather brown, or dark brown.  The red, leather brown and light gray will get corresponding Army Painter washes this evening if time permits.  Since I pull out of here tomorrow morning for another solo cr0ss-ocuntry skiing jaunt two hours north, a bit of grip and glide waxing is in order for two pairs of skis, so we'll have to see how things progress.   In any c...

A Thorough Washing. . .

    B ack in the painting saddle this evening after an amazing, yet very tiring, ski trip up north during the weekend just ended.  Tonight's painting session was all about giving this company of Croats a good washing.  The washes really helped define the basic larger areas of the figures, tone down the initial colors just a bit, and add some richness to those same browns, blues, reds, and yellows.   Various Army Painter products were used including Strong Tone, Mid-Brown, Blue, and Red washes.  The figures are still wet in this photo, but I missed the officer's dolman, plus discovered the underside of a left arm still in need of its basic Mahogany Brown (Grrr. . .).  Will have to attend to those first thing tomorrow evening. But, they don't look half bad at this point.  I'm even toying with the idea of  not going back to highlight raised areas with the original colors as initially planned and just leave them as is .  I kind of like ...

Basic Colors (Almost) Blocked In. . .

    A hasty shot of where things stand after the most recent hour in the painting chair this evening.  The final company of Croats is beginning to show a faint glimmer of what they might eventually become.  Used a #4 round -- with a good point -- to finish the remaining brown coats but nevertheless made several small mistakes that required touching up at the end of the session.  Sigh.  Time to rinse the brush and put things away then.   Another round in the painting chair will have to wait until next week.  I've got a pair of cross-country skis to apply both glide and kick wax to tomorrow evening after packing for the weekend, and I depart Friday morning at 9am.  Should arrive by about 11:30 for a good half-day of skiing at Forbush Corner just outside of Fredric, Michigan before a full day (with skate lesson) Saturday and another half-day Sunday before heading for home.   See you on the other side! -- Stokes

A Nice Reddish Brown. . .

  V allejo Mahogany Brown in fact.  Spent about 90 minutes yesterday evening painting carefully around previous brushwork to avoid too many mistakes.  Two or three errant splotches were nevertheless wicked away before they dried, but another will need to be touched up at some point.   It was slow going, not helped by the fact that my stock of #2 and #3 rounds seems to be depleted, and I was forced to rely on brushes with worn out tips of the bristles.  These are the sizes I have always used for most of my paining over the years.  #4's and #6's for large areas of color or base-coating with #1's and 000 for tiny details.  Anyway, must place an order at some point today (it is currently 6:37am here) when a few spare moments present themselves Maddeningly, I had to retouch the blue on one of left legs when the color began lifting from the white base-coat as I wicked  away one of the misplaced -- and subsequent -- splotches of brown intended for t...

Still Miles to Go, But Shaping up Nicely. . .

After applying the legging colors on two or three more figures, I plan to paint the coats with a nice reddish brown I've selected before moving onto the mustaches and hair.  The various basic uniform colors with then each get an Army Painter wash in a similar color before retouching with the original color(s) as a highlight.  Borrowing from Aly Morrison's magic brown liquid approach.  The various currently dark brown areas will also get a highlight in one of several lighter, leathery browns to add visual interest. O k, plugging away with these 15 Croats getting in about 45-60 minutes most evenings, and here is where they are at this point.  Still lots to do, but the addition of the mid-blue really makes 'em "pop" as the cool kids were all saying 10 or 12 years back.  We'll see how much I am able to get accomplished this week before taking off up north on Friday morning for a solo skiing weekend however.  Admittedly, the thought of assembling a small travel ...

Bit by Bit. . .

  My usual cheery place holder until I have opportunity to share new photographs of the current figures under the brush. A pleasant 45 minutes or so in the painting chair yesterday evening following the evening meal applying Army Painter flesh wash to 15 faces and 30 hands.  In a day or three, I'll use a small brush to retouch a few high points in these areas with the original flesh tone.  Black neck stocks and scabbards this evening, however, with possibly basic dark brown for the musket stocks depending on how time goes.   A photo update will follow in the next post, not so much because it is necessary, but because I am simply tickled pink by the sharpness and depth of field possible with the recent iPhone update.  Why not?  Suddenly, near professional looking photographs are within easy reach, so it seems a shame not to include another in-progress photograph or two.   But right now, it's time for another mug of coffee before showering, sh...

And We're Off. . .

O k, not very much to look at just yet, but the basic black and flesh tone have been applied.  Next session, I'll tone down the flesh with some Army Painter flesh wash and then carefully do the black neck stocks before moving on to blocking in the basic uniform colors, which is to say a dark reddish brown for the coats, and a medium blue for the dolmans and breeches.  If that goes well, I might as well start blocking in the musket stocks and other brown areas, but that will probably need to wait until the third painting session.  Hey, it's a start. -- Stokes

Moving forward with the Slavonisch-Brooder Grenzer. . .

  A few images "borrowed" (Ahem!) from the online world for artistic inspiration, cheif among them the Project Seven Years War (Kronoskaf) website.  Not sure where I stumbled across the digitized version of the Knoetel print, but I could hardly leave it out of this post. A veritable feast for the eyes it is. The dark brown and blue uniform apparently worn by the Slavonisch-Brooder Grenzer during the latter part of the SYW has always struck me as highly attractive, but I plan to add a few splashes of other colors here and there to provide a bit of visual (and plausible) interest.  After all, one-time irregular troops in the field and all that. . . Ok, following lunch and the current mug of coffee, it is time to begin.  As a non-fan of NFL football, I can't think of a nicer way to spend Superbowl Sunday afternoon and possibly evening.  I know, I know. . .  I plead much needed self-preservation given the current state of the world. -- Stokes

Final Company of Croats Underway at Last!!!

  A fter a few weeks away due to skiing, work related stuff, and a maddeningly dried out tube of super glue gel, it's back to the painting table to begin tackling the third and final company of Minden and RSM95 Croats.  They've been knocking around my spares box for years now.  Time to do something about that.  When finished, they will join two other companies painted way back in 2010 or 2011.   This particular company will carry, the eagle-eyed among you might notice, a semi-fictitious swallow-tailed flag, of which more anon.  But it's a beaut courtesy of David of Not by Appointment fame.   Tomorrow (Sunday), flesh tone, blacks, and possibly another area or two of color.  Somehow, I have managed to free up the entire day, so who knows where things might end up.    Perhaps even more exciting, from a photographic point of view, I have also upgraded the ol' iPhone after quite a few years of using an iPhone 7.  That mea...