Vallejo Mahogany Brown in fact. Spent about 90 minutes yesterday evening painting carefully around previous brushwork to avoid too many mistakes. Two or three errant splotches were nevertheless wicked away before they dried, but another will need to be touched up at some point.
It was slow going, not helped by the fact that my stock of #2 and #3 rounds seems to be depleted, and I was forced to rely on brushes with worn out tips of the bristles. These are the sizes I have always used for most of my paining over the years. #4's and #6's for large areas of color or base-coating with #1's and 000 for tiny details. Anyway, must place an order at some point today (it is currently 6:37am here) when a few spare moments present themselves
Maddeningly, I had to retouch the blue on one of left legs when the color began lifting from the white base-coat as I wicked away one of the misplaced -- and subsequent -- splotches of brown intended for the coats. Have any of you ever experience this? It has not been an issue I've run into before with dried acrylic colors that have cured for 24+ hours. Grrr.
But back to the figures.
Like everything else, their brown coats too will get an Army Painter wash and be retouched (highlighted) with the original color later in the painting process. I'll finish the brown coats this evening, and then see if there is time Thursday for another session, or not.
Gotta pack my skis and other stuff into the car for the Friday morning skiing departure although since it is just me, that will not take up as much time. I may well be able to squeeze in 60-90 minutes Thursday night before painting fatigue and the tedium demon do their worst. We'll see.
-- Stokes