Almost finished! Just a few more, small, extremely minor bits to touch-up before glossing. But I managed to tackle a few more of these yesterday afternoon.
A second such session in the painting chair followed during which I printed, trimmed, and attached the standard to the flagpole after a coat of varnish to protect the computer printer inks. The evening saw a third session to highlight a few folds here and there on the flag, using some slightly lighter green washes of the facing highlight, which, to my eyes at least, makes it look a bit more like wrinkled silk flapping in the breeze.
Now, although these Eureka figures are sold as Saxon cavalry, and the uniform is based on that worn by the von Plötz Cuirassiers -- Uniform details gleaned from Summerfield, Kronoskaf, and a few additional sources. -- I gave them one of David Morfitt's recent generic Austrian cuirassier standards. David does yeoman's work with his carefully researched and designed flags, standards, and guidons, which just have that certain something about them. Some are based on prototypes that are quite rare, and even his speculative flags are feasts for the eyes. You can find 'em all via his Not by Appointment blog. Thank you for your ongoing work, David!
But back to the cavalry in question.
In my imaginary Army of Zichenau (mortal enemy to the Grand Duchy of Stollen), this particular unit will become a long forgotten regiment of Austrian cuirassiers from Ruthenia. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the von Warhola Kuirassiere. Acrylic glossing will commence this (Sunday) evening! I'll touch up the edges of the green bases once the shiny step has been finished before calling 'em all done.
-- Stokes