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A Town Building Progress Report. . .

To provide a sense of size, the building in the left foreground -- the large university/palace/government building with two dormers and two wings -- is 10 inches long from end to end.

The round dormer on Customs House -- center right in the photograph -- came together fairly easily.  Believe it, or not, I sketched out the dormer shape by hand, cut it out with tiny, very sharp scissors, shaped it, and glued it into place.  It usually never is that easy, but once in a great while. . .

The three-gabled structure in the rear left corner of the picture above will become, once a batch of balsa dowels arrive in the mail, The Hospital of the Holy Ghost.  It is based on the actual complex of the same name in Luebeck, Germany as I've written previously.

Here's where things stand at the moment with the latest batch of town buildings as of Tuesday afternoon May 30th.  Not perfect, but I must admit to feeling rather pleased wth how things are coming along.  Only three basic structures left, and then I can begin adding balsa chimneys, steps on the fronts of a few buildings, as well as some slender towers to the three-gabled Hospital of the Holy Ghost, based on the real structure by the same name in Luebeck, Germany.  Hopefully, my balsa dowels will arrive from Amazon fairly soon.  Each structure also features internal ruined walls in two or three corners to hold it firmly in place on its base.

-- Stokes


Bloggerator said…
Looking very good there old man.

Keep up the excellent work.

Big Andy said…
There was a time when- back in the late 80s early 90s I made such things to add to the paucity of my bank balance and yes fiddling about with mansards and gables was a pain. These are looking good.
Pierre le Poilu said…
Good progress. You appear to be really enjoying yourself.
Conrad Kinch said…
Stokes, those look great. Will you be putting raised detail on them or painting everything on? I not entirely sure how I managed to miss the preceding entries.
Stryker said…
Those are very good - looking forward to seeing the finished items!
Thank you very much for your kind remarks everyone! Yes, I am enjoying work on these although it is challenging at times given the various angles and sometimes having to cut or trim a piece three or our times (despite measuring carefully) to get an angle just right. I am most pleased so far with the semicircular dormer on the Customs House, which, believe it, or not, I was able to do by sight and actually got it right the first time! That will NEVER happen again I am sure. Other than chimneys, some steps, and a clock tower atop the Rathaus (in-progress), details will be painted on (suggested) as usual. I want to get back to solider painting in June you know.

Best Regards,

tidders said…
Nice works Stokes
My Dear Heinz-Ulrich, Greetings!

What a wonderful project you have undertaken. We are all certain that the buildings will possess much character and esthetic worth. You mentioned something about working on the windows. How exactly shall you carry that out? Will the windows be actual cut outs or will they be painted as they occur?

Wishing you all the best with you most praiseworthy endeavor, I remain,

Yours respectfully,

Gerardus Magnus
Archbishop Emeritus

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