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Black and Blue. . .

The 19 RSM95 Prussian musketeers in question, awaiting their blue coats.

I managed -- almost -- to finish applying thinned alkyd oil Prussian Blue to these figures last night, but Father Time marched on rather more quickly that I was aware given the fun I had while painting.  Just after 11pm, the Grand Duchess informed me that she had chocolate milk prepared  and another episode of Inspector Lewis all cued up on Amazon.  I know, I know.  We live out there on the bloody edge here at Totleigh-in-the-Wold.  Avant garde bohemian libertines and all that.  So anyway, I had to stop and clean my brush with only three more to go.  

This evening then, I'll give the officer, musician, and company NCO their blue coats, apply a dash of thinned black to a few cartridge pouches that I somehow missed the night before last, and then touch up a few turnbacks with white before moving onto applying a thinned coat of yellow to the breeches, waistcoats, cuffs, turnbacks, and shoulder wings of the drummer.  Then, it is on to the various details during the next several evenings.  

If all goes well, this batch of figures should be done before you know it, and then I can base the entire 80-figure composite regiment.  Waiting in the wings, 10 or 12 Minden limbers, about 48 limber horses, and drivers, and I'm eager to get started with those.

-- Stokes


warpaintjj said…
Good Lord an 80 figure unit, that I want to see, crack on with it!
You need to watch Endeavour, basically young Morse, fabulous sets & costumes with gripping story lines built around excellent characters.
Best wishes,
Neil Moulden said…
Ah the call of hot chocolate. I'm always amazed at the details I miss on some figures. It always pays to go back and check each figure before starting a new colour.
Conrad Kinch said…
Keep up the good work Stokes. I don't suppose you could combine Lewis and painting? I tend to do most of my painting while watching telly with Mrs. Kinch.
Peter Douglas said…
Hot cocoa, Lewis and your good wifes company. Hard to pass that all up! Looking forward to the completed unit. I like the look of those RSM figures, I hadn't seen theirs up close and your photo zooms n nicely, with the primer showing up the details well.
Cheers, Peter
Scheck said…
I feel so similar to your situation - always booked by other things that are more important; so I also cannot find enough time for painting... and the queue of waiting figures is longer and longer...
I wish you some free days in-between, just for painting! All the best

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