Just a quick post for now. The three-day weekend has come and gone in the blink of an eye, and I didn't manage to get to those Minden hussars after all. But, I have made a huge headway with that group of buildings, which are just about finished except for a few small details still in process. With any luck, I shall be able to finish those in the next evening or two and then paint up everything in various earthy tones though you;ll have to wait on photographs of those I'm afraid. At any rate, then the decks will be cleared, and I can finally get back to those hussars with a clear conscience. In the meantime, my poor painting table is a mess with scraps of cardboard, balsa wood, toothpicks, and coffee stirring sticks scattered all over, to say nothing of sawdust and blobs of spilled glue. Kids, don't try this at home!
-- Jeff