Had a little time for dry-brushing those final nine horses last night. So, I dug out an old brush and got to work. Don't use your good brushes that still hold points for dry-brushing. Nothing kills a good brush faster! So, dip the tip of you bristles in the paint, brush most of the paint off onto a handy folded paper towel, and then quickly apply the remaining paint on the bristles to your figures. Dry-brushing is actually a much easier thing to do than it is to describe.
Anyway, here are a couple of photographs that will hopefully illustrate the benefits of this step for painting better looking black horses. Of course, you can skip this step if you like, but I prefer the extra subtle difference that careful dry-brushing with dark blue brings out. It seems to help make those heavy cavalry horses come to life.
Fine looking horses. Seeems that at the Stollen household things are shaping up nicely for a wonderfull X-Mas season.
I use a flat brush for drybrushing, flikking the bristles over the model after removing most of the paint. I think it's easier than using a round brush. Or was that a flat brush you were using and just a trick of the camera?
Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch!!!
AJ: wouldn't a wash negate the effects of dry brushing? Perhaps you could elaborate on this technique.
I agree with your comment re: drybrush, then wash. But reversing them works okay. Wash, then drybrush.
-- Jeff