Yes, it's Santa Lucia Day! Traditionally, so the story goes, parents are woken before dawn by their children, who bring some sort of saffron buns and coffee to Mom and Dad. And if they are lucky, there is an entire train of children dressed in costume and singing Santa Lucia. And at their head, as my Swedish language teacher explained it -- and she grew up in Sweden during the 1940s and 50s, long before political correctness deemed that EVERYONE be chosen to play Santa Lucia -- was the local school's prettiest, blondest girl, who was secretly hated by all the other girls, who were not chosen to play Santa Lucia. I'll have to ask my Swedish-speaking friends if this was/is, indeed, the case.
At any rate, I've got to head to the kitchen and fix a late breakfast for the Grand Duchess and me. No singing or costumes though, unless you count pajamas and a bathrobe! ;-) Some things to do around the house this afternoon and a letter of reference to finish for a student, but this evening, it's time to start on those final nine RSM Austrian cuirassiers, who are just begging to be painted. I'm going to try altering my painting process a bit with these to see how that might speed things along. We'll have to see, but watch for photographic updates -- Kodak Moments -- and painting ruminations here during the course of the next several days.