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Breaking News!!!

Found this item posted by John Curry on the Old School Wargaming Yahoo group yesterday evening:

"I thought this group would like to know that Donald Featherstone's latest book
is now in print. As so many people on this group have been so helpful with the
History of Wargaming Project, it seems fitting that this book in particular
should announced on this group first.

The news of the new book broke early as a printer told a few friends who were
wargamers 'guess what I saw at work today'. These few friends told a few more,
who then put it on their blogs. For the last three weeks I have had many
enquiries per day. So I am pleased to say the lorry arrived today full of new
books to sell.

For further details see

Foreword by James F. Dunnigan SPI, How to Make War, The Strategy Page

'Donald Featherstone was one of the dozen or so people who, in the 20th century,
turned wargaming into both a hobby and a more useful tool for military
professionals.' James F. Dunnigan

'Don's Book 'War Games' in 1962 was an amazing thunderclap to an entire
generation of would-be wargamers.' Paddy Griffith

Through forty books on wargaming and military history, literally thousands of
magazine articles and countless talks, Don's energetic efforts made wargaming
widely available, even respectable. However, despite this proliferation of
writing, some areas remained hidden. 'Lost Tales' covers some of these

This book covers diverse material from a lifetime's experience of wargaming with
15 chapters plus 1 appendixincluding:

'My War - Sergeant Featherstone 7893763'

'Modern Wargaming - How it all Began in the 1960's.'

No less than twelve sets of Don's favourite rules from ancients to World War II,
including two unpublished sets.

The History of Don's unit, the 51st Tank Battalion The Royal Tank Regiment."

For fans and proponents of Old School Wargaming ideals, authors, figures, and trends, it doesn't get much better than that. I urge everyone to contact John and order this book as soon as possible. It sounds fascinating. Imagine, putting together another book in your early 90s. Donald Featherstone really is something!

On another exciting note, there was an email waiting for me this morning from Richard Masse of the Dayton Painting Consortium (and maybe many of you had the same message?). It seems the DPC has acquired a large part of the 25mm Spanish SYW line from the London Wargaming Room. So, if any of you have always had a hankering to paint up and game with some mid-18th Century Spaniards, and not have to use French or Austrians as substitutes, here's your opportunity.

Equally exciting, Charles S. Grant sent me an unexpected and chatty e-mail earlier in the week (before my computer problems surfaced), telling me all about his recent painting, writing, and tabletop adventures with Phil Olley. Needless to say, it's always a surprising thrill when I hear from either Charles or Phil. Yes, shameless namedropping here. Anyway, it seems the two have some new publications due out soon, so keep your eyes open for those. As for me, I'd better find and take a few spare minutes to sit down soon and write a persuasive letter to Santa Claus/Father Christmas, so that it arrives at the North Pole well in advance of the pre-Christmas rush.

The RSM Austrian cuirassiers I've been working on recently will receive their second coating of Future/Klear acrylic floor finish later this afternoon, and I'll take a couple of photos of the first dozen to post here. While there are a few inaccuracies, the blue flag pole for instance, by and large they look reasonably good in my eyes as representatives of Austria's Anspach-Beyreuth Kuirassiere. Obviously, I'll have to cook up some reason for three squadrons of that regiment making their way post-SYW up to Stollen, to serve in the army of the Grand Duke Irwin-Amadeus II. Some strange family connection or other, I guess, would be the easiest and most obvious way to explain their service in Stollen's small army during the late 1760s.

And so to technology for a moment. Unfortunately, my computer is not yet finished being debugged. The tech services at the university are free to my wife and me as university employees, but there were several other desk-top PCs in the queue ahead of mine. So, the two-day turnover I was told to expect will, in fact, be something more along the lines of 5-6 days. Grrrr.

Well, as the Grand Duchess pointed out to me, if we were paying to have this service performed, it might cost quite a bit to get my Sony Vaio up on its feet again, so perhaps I shouldn't complain too loudly. Still, when one is suddenly restricted to using his wife's computer to the few times a day when she is not using it, it's a little difficult. But then things are not all bad I suppose. My wonderful wife actually suggested to me two evenings ago, "Well, why don't you use the time to go and paint some figures?" I knew there was a reason I married her! ;-)

Finally, thank you very much to everyone who has sent good wishes where the baby's impending arrival is concerned. Sonja and I have been tickled pink by your interest. Just a few days left to go now. Hmmm. . . I'll have to work that baby into those silly conversations that crop up here occasionally between Irwin-Amadeus II and his faithful English manservant Hives. Now,
let's see. . .


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