Then, if there is time, and I still feel like it, white wigs for the company officer and Regimental Sergeant Major (a recently discovered an extra fusilier figure I didn't realize I had in the lead pile), with brown hair for everyone else. That leaves only some metal bits here and there, brown musket stocks, and leather bayonet scabbards. And then, I think the entire regiment will be all done save for two coats of Future/Klear acrylic floor finish.
Could the end actually be in store for our hero? Will he survive to paint another 80-figure regiment? And what evil plot could be the cause of his current painting neurosis? Don't miss the answers to these exciting questions, boys and girls in our next episode! Tune in at the same time tomorrow for the continuing adventures of. . . Old School Miniatures Painting Boy!!!
-- Jeff
You might want to consider "Cliff Hanger" as your nome de plume!
Best wishes
Best Regards,