After almost six hours of work, with a short lunch break, I have managed to apply a coat of white universal primer to all four walls of the future nursery. No photos of that, but I thought I'd post a couple of what the room used to look like before I got started today. A previous occupant of the room painted all four walls this mid-blue color.
As much as I liked applying a similar shade of blue to the facings of the recently finished 80-figure unit of fusiliers, it just doesn't work as an interior color. At least not when it covers all four walls. So, a primer was necessary to ensure good coverage when I apply the flaxen yellow tomorrow. Hopefully that job will go fairly quickly. What took lots of time today was trimming in the primer with a brush around all of the woodwork and along the baseboards and ceiling. I did the hard part first, and then applied everything else with a roller, which I think was all finished inside of two hours. Whew! It's time to put up my feet!!!
happy painting
-- Allan