I notice from the counter at the right of the page here that Irwin-Amadeus II, his trusty English valet Hives, and company are getting very close to 70,000 visits since August 2006. I believe there have been something in the neighborhood of 6,000 since mid-June alone! At any rate, I encourage lurkers and newcomers, who may never have left a comment or suggestion here, to take a few moments to introduce yourself and tell the rest of us about your own wargaming/painting/collecting/reading interests. It's always loads of fun to hear from others about their particular interpretation of the wargaming hobby. Charge!!!
Make that 69,979! Keep it up as there is seldom a day goes by when I don't take a trip to Stollen.
Kind Regards
As for my hobby experiences, my last game was called on account of rain . . . *grin*.
-- Jeff
I've been lurking here for I think
nearly a year now. Quite honestly I don't know when I started visiting the Grand Duchy. I stumbled across Paul's blog about Grimsby Wargaming and saw some of your comments and began following your adventures. I really enjoy reading your blog. I check it almost once per day.
I am a newbie to the hobby and I mainly play Warhammer 40k and the WWII genre. I have always wanted to get into miniature wargaming and finally started in 2007.
My name is Ryan and I'm from Portland, Oregon. Portland has a healthy gaming community and some great local game shops and clubs.
Anyway, congrats on the number of hits and the success of your project. I decided to post due to your encouragement of lurkers like me to say hello. I really enjoy the blog and I think it's great you share more than wargaming on it. I wish I had your discipline when it comes to painting. I don't have an army nearly that big and it's all in various stages of not being finished. Thanks again, and I'm definitely going to try that recipe you posted recently. :)
Best Regards,
I've introduced myself a long time ago, we've exchanged a few messages and I'm still a big fan. I'm impressed by and admire the way you singlemindedly stick to your project. It really is the only way to make it happen. I visit almost daily, hoping to find new posts.
I also finally ordered my first batch of 7YW figures.
Do you use the same primer (liquitex, was it?)for both plastic and metal models?
Peter (from Belgium)
Yes, I remember you. Good to hear from you. Thanks for continuing to drop in.
Best Regards,