'The Nap at the Palace' by Jose Triado Mayol N ot much in the way of hobby-related activity happening here in the Grand Duchy lately. Sigh. And no surprise there really since there are only so many hours in the day, only so much mental and physical energy to spare, and you sometimes simply just have to give in and know when to say, um, "When!" A glass of wine and/or evening yoga by the hearth with the Grand Duchess (who has practiced for over 20 years), and then off into la-la land. Zzzzzzzzz. More immediately, I'm recovering, mentally speaking, from a grueling Friday in which I was involved with three (online) conference sessions, one right after the other, followed by a 90-minute meeting at the end of the day. Also virtual. My brain has been mush ever since, so an easy, completely unproductive Saturday watching intermittent snow fall outside (no accumulation however) and drinking coffee while the visiting handymen completed some repair work down h...
Looks tough, but push on boys, and give 'em hell!
(Anyone taking bets on this one? I've got Stollen down as 2-1 favourites).
Are thse plastic trees? They look very good, are they available from anyone?
You confirm something I have noticed since commencing SYW gaming, that selecting a lighter shade of green for terrain boards sets off the figures much better. I have had much good service from my TSS tiles but they fall down in this respect, being just a bit too dark in shade. I noticed this at the last show I attended - the lighter coloured terrain was much more attractive.
And now you've got me wondering if I should get out the satin varnish for my own figures. I like that shiny effect..
Have a great game, Keith Flint.
...and again many thanks for your inspiring table that tipped me into going for the "Old School" look!
Go Stollen !
-- Allan