Just a quick posting before some evening work on student papers -- Save for the touch-ups tomorrow (not very many), painting on the first squadron is now finished. Yes! Spent about two hours this evening, applying yellow and gold lace detail to the officers and troopers respectively along with finishing the sashes and white markings on the horses' muzzles and ankles. It was a most satisfying painting session! Unfortunately, the Grand Duchess has the digital camera this evening at a university event, so you'll have to wait for a photo update or two until the touch-ups and clear protective coating are all done. But patience is a virtue. . . or so I'm told. ;-)
they are looking good, I am looking forward to seeing the new photos.
You are quite right, the 11th Hussars were Light Dragoons untill Prince Albert made them Hussars in the 1840s and gave them the famous crimson trousers. But these are Prinz Albrechts Husaren, so it doesent matter :-))
I really enjoy your blog, lots of swagger and dash!!
I undercoated my plastic inf yesterday with aycrlic spray paint. Today as I took them out to paint the black flaked off everywhere. I had remembered to wash well with washing up liquid first. Can you give me any suggestions?
best wishes
Tradgardmeister, I'm hearing a lot about the use of artists' gesso as an effective undercoating medium. Apparently it's readily available and cheap at art supply stores.
Alternatively, use thinned PVA adhesive before undercoating. I paint my metal figures using black, brown or white acrylic with a drop of Klear/Future polish added, as I found the paint tended to rub off sometimes after even a light touch.
many thanks for the painting advice- I will give it a whirl!
best wishes
so far those hussars look great - Looking forward to seeing the finished squadron.
-- Allan
Btw, any news from the "5 Provinces"?
Shall we discover the flag of Zeller-Schwarzekatze, the uniform of its field artillery, maybe the uniforms of the 'territorial' units of the 5 countries?